
Holiday Raffle for MNT Holders

Win mETH & mUSD

up to 5 $mETH per Winner

Your Daily Average MNT

- $MNT

Est. Tickets

-- Tickets

Cap per User

-- Tickets







Total No. of Winners : -


Your MNT Snapshot Results



Increase MNT Holdings for More Tickets



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My Tickets

Lottery Results

How to Join

join 1

Register for the event

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Hold MNT

join 3

Receive raffle tickets

join 4

Win rewards


Participate in our event with ease by simply clicking the "Register" button. Your eligibility for tickets will be based on:
Your MNT Holdings: The number of raffle tickets you receive will depend on the amount of MNT (or WMNT) you hold. You must hold a daily average of minimum 100 MNT per round to be receive tickets. Both MNT in your wallet and staked in eligible protocols will be considered. You can find the list of eligible protocols here.
Sharing with Friends: You can earn an additional ticket by sharing the event with friends every round. However, this option is only available if your MNT holdings exceed 100 MNT (WMNT).
Snapshot Details: We will capture random snapshots during the event and take an average across all days within a single round to ascertain your MNT holdings.

Please note that any user holding a daily average of minimum 100 MNT per round is eligible to participate in the Holiday Raffle. Users are not required to hold MJSBT and CoM NFT. However, please note that any fraudulent activity or use of sybil accounts will result in disqualification from the raffle.
Holdings in wallets registered as sub wallets under Mantle Journey will not be counted. MNT borrowed from other protocols will not be counted and will result in negative holdings.

Participants can only win once per round, but can participate in as many rounds as available during the event period. All rewards will be distributed to the winners within 14 working days after the end of the campaign.

The number of tickets you receive directly corresponds to the amount of MNT you hold, so the more MNT you hold, the more raffle tickets you can earn, and the higher your chances of winning. Plus, spread the word among your friends for a chance to earn one extra raffle ticket!